Contract Termination

How do I terminate your Virtual Server and Account?

Termination of an account can only be accepted in writing via email or post. There are 3 major client statuses that can affect our termination policy.

What are the 3 Client Statuses?

There are three statuses that must be considered when terminating a virtual server and account:

  • New Clients (accepted onboarding process):
    New clients within the first 6 months of a new account that have selected to use the onboarding process.
  • New Clients (declined onboarding process):
    New clients that have declined the use of the onboarding process.
  • Existing Clients:
    Existing clients whether the onboarding process has been accepted or declined after 6 months.

What does status have to do with the termination period?

The major difference in termination terms is related to our onboarding process. In order to use our onboarding program, a 6-month commitment is required. The only status that is affected by the 6-month waiting period is the New Clients that have accepted the onboarding process.

Why do you require a 6-month commitment?

Simply because it takes quite some effort to complete the onboarding process. We are confident that FullSail Systems will surpass your expectations.

But I have a different status what does this mean?

If you are a New Client (declined onboarding process) or an Existing Client you may terminate your contract via Email "Written Notice of Termination" at any time.

Termination Period

Your termination period will last till the end of the current billing cycle unless your "Written Notice of Termination" has been submitted after the 15th of the current months billing cycle. If the "Written Notice of Termination" has been submitted after the 15th, the termination period will be extended to the following billing cycle month.

Are there special circumstances for early termination?

Yes, FullSail Systems under special circumstances can terminate accounts via special request. These requests are handled manually and on a case-by-case basis.

Can FullSail Systems terminate my account?

Yes, but in very rare circumstances. The only cause for termination would be when an account holder has knowingly failed to adhere to our general terms and conditions.

In most cases, FullSail Systems will disable the account in question until our internal investigation has been completed.

What happens to my Fullsail Systems account after the termination becomes effective?

Once your termination has become effective your account will be disabled the following billing cycle. This means you will have no access to your account information like e.g. invoices, reports, administration console, etc.

Please be aware that FullSail Systems will archive your account data in order to fulfill tax and law regulations of Germany and the EU.

What happens to my data with FullSail Systems after the termination becomes effective?

Your account related digital assets (web presence) will be deleted the following billing cycle from the termination of your account.

This applies to your web application live data, test data, server statics, server configuration files, and backup data. Please ensure that you migrated and/or copied all your data before that happens - otherwise your data will be lost and can not be retrieved.

FullSail Systems will not be held responsible for any data losses which have been caused by customer initiated termination.